September 2012
If you want your web site to be fast under load (which I theoretically do, even if none of my personal sites have exactly made the big time yet), then one thing you do is set a long expiry time on your static assets like stylesheets. But when you change the files punters do not see the new version for days. Here’s the simple trick for getting around this without being wildly inefficient.
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Some friends and I started a small comics convention in Oxford called
CAPTION a few years ago—so long ago, in fact, that it predates web sites
for events like or anything like that. I started created brochure sites for
CAPTION from 1998 (though I think that SpaceCAPTION1999 was the first to have
a real promotional site). Reading through the old archives it’s interesting
seeing the capabilites of web styling—and my facility with them—improving from
year to year. So here is a slideshow!
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In my previous article I showed off 14 old CAPTION web site designs. Here’s a little about CAPTION 2012.
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