Percy Street, Page 1
If you’ve been wondering why I’ve not added anything to my site for the last few weeks, it’s because I have been spending my spare time playing with my new graphics tablet instead. Read more
If you’ve been wondering why I’ve not added anything to my site for the last few weeks, it’s because I have been spending my spare time playing with my new graphics tablet instead. Read more
What do you know, I have ground out another page of my comic strip. Strangely enough, despite being the title character, Percy has yet to actually have any lines. Read more
I have fiddled with the layout of the archive pages of the Picky Picky Game so that (a) it lays out all the panels in one row, rather than wrapping to multiple tiers per page, andf (b) it uses an HTML table to achieve the layout. This should remove the occasional glitch where cycling panels caused the layout to change. Read more
Yesterday the server hosting our Picky Picky Game suffered a hardware failure, and for some reason we have lost all additions to the object database since it went live. After discussion on LiveJournal, enough people found pictures cached in their web browsers that I have been able to reconstruct an archive of the completed panels (with only a couple of lacunae), and so we plan to start the game afresh, with the output of the previous game inserted as Page 0 of its archive. Read more
We have started a new Picky Picky Game to replace the one whose database vanished. I have added code to the server so that the archive of the old game is inserted before Page 1 of archive of the new game. The first round of candidate panels has been primed with the candidates from panel 25 of the old game. Read more