7 entries tagged
We use Windows desktops at work, but naturally nowadays even our customers expect web sites to be deployed to Linux servers. Here’s a couple of things I learned in the process of deploying a Django app from my workstation—running Windows 7—to a development server running Debian GNU/Linux 5 ‘lenny’.
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This was originally going to be part of my note on porting from Windows 7 to Debian 5 ‘lenny’, but I split it off in to a separate post.
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I said in an earlier article I would outline my Django deployment
recipe. This is largely derived from a recipe for Deploying A Django
Site Using FastCGI in the Django Advent site.
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I have discovered that whenever the name MySQL is mentioned, someone will make
a choking gurgling noise and complain that it isn’t PostgreSQL. Now that
MySQL has been consumed by Sun, which has in turn been consumed iby Oracle, I
thought I would see how hard it is to switch.
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On my server I use D. J. Bernstein’s Daemontools package to run the servers for my web sites (other services are automatically installed in to the init
or init.d
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I have switched to Gunicorn since my attempts to make uWSGI multilingual have failed disastrously.
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My latest experimental web server needs a task queue to do asynchronous
processing. Here’s how I deploy Celery on my Ubuntu server.
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