1 entry tagged svg, tarot, and updated

Alleged Tarot (12): All the sixes

This week my on-going on-line tarot deck reaches the sixes: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Coins. Alas! the font I am using for the titles is missing the letter x, so there is a blank square for now. I will fix this when I have a free evening—I spent most of this evening finishing off the drawings themselves. Far too tired to do it now. I also need to see if I can think of a better way to combine the pips with the drawings, since the pips are now obscuring most of the artwork...

Update: I have added x to my title font, after covering excessive quantities of paper with mathematical workings as I try to reconstruct enough of my geometrical and trigonometrical knowledge to calculate the intersections of all the lines...

Update: I have added an animation to the pips so that when you click the button to show the interpretation, the pips shrink and shuffle out of the way!