7 entries tagged work

Windows Unicode versus Python's Unicode
During an attempt to better organize a collection of T-SQL scripts I came across a strange behaviour when converting Windows ANSI (8-bit character data) to Unicode (16-bit character data) which appears, surprisingly, to involve the ancient MSDOS convention of using Ctrl-Z (character 0x1A) to end files.

Capturing XML output from ADO using a Stream object
I will describe here the solution to a problem that taxed me at work this week, in the faint hope that it will prove useful to someone else who needs to do the same strange thing. Read more

OpenID versus Single-Sign-On Server
While trying to figure out how to implement a single-sign-on (SSO) system for a custom with OpenID, I has a minor insight when I realized that OpenID is not a SSO server. Its actual purpose is slightly different. Read more

OpenID on Intranets
Quick answers to a couple of questions that came up when I was discussing OpenID as part of a single-sign-on solution at work. Read more

First Adventures in Drupal
My current project at work has involved a quick-and-dirty crash-course in Drupal, a content-management system written in PHP. Here are some of my initial impressions. Read more

How Often do I Log In Daily?
How often do I log in at work on a typical work day? Read more