3 entries tagged seahorse

World AIDS Day
Today is World AIDS day. I found a reference to Link and Think on Dave Winer’s weblog Scripting.com... My experiences with HIV/AIDS have been mainly through working with organizations like London Lighthouse (since absorbed in to the Terrance Higgins Trust) and the Immune Development Trust on behalf of my employer. Well, before that I had bought Strip AIDS (which funded the founding of Lighthouse), and of course I was at university in the late 1980s when discussion of AIDS, safer sex, and celibacy was at its peak. It was partly because of that that I was so pleased that OCC’s membership of the SEAHORSE project gave me a chance to contribute something to HIV/AIDS support, even if (like most European R&D projects) the main result was an obscure web site. I thought I knew a reasonable amount about HIV, but meeting real people and visiting the Lighthouse makes it real in a way book-learning. I was slightly in awe of the guys who had been living with HIV for a decade or more—they don’t get much mention because everyone’s concentrating on supporting the newly diagnosed and educating the uninfected masses, but they do have their own different needs.

Flickr and del.icio.us tags illustrate why worse is better
Recently the term 'folksonomy' has been coined to refer to the use of unstructured keywords to classify and group resources collaboratively ('resources' as in photos on Flickr and links to web sites on del.icio.us). Supposedly the experts on metadata are chagrined to discover that structured keywords, hierarchical taxonomies, and faceted metadata have been outdone by such a simple system. But this approach isn't actually all that new. Read more