Visiting Ramsgate
This weekend I was mainly visiting my dad and his extended family in sunny Ramsgate. My sister Rachel had organized for my brother Mike and his son (my nephew) Darren to visit as well (I hadn’t seen them since Christmas), the occasion being Dad’s birthday. (As a result, there is no tarot installment this week.) Apart from Dad, Josie and little James, we met big James, his four daughters Katie, Kim-Rose, Sephie, and Lilly, their mothers Jan and Alison, Josie’s mother Kay, one of her granddaughters Teresa and a great-granddaughter Penny, Josie’s brother Jack, his wife Irene and her mother Gwen, my sister Rachhel’s boyfriend Andy, plus a tortise called Tiger and rabbits called Grass and Hopper. As it happened, Andy had photos he’s just collected from his father’s birthday, with similar quantities of relatives and cute nephews and suchlike, including a cousin Tyrone from America. What a lot of relatives! At least it seems that way to me, with my geographically dispersed extended family (my parents, brother and sisters and I live in six cities in two continents)...