Jigsawr (1): Minification
I created an SVG-powered jigsaw app for the 10K Apart contest. To get it under 10K I had to squash the JavaScript and CSS files down as much as possible (within the rules). Read more
I created an SVG-powered jigsaw app for the 10K Apart contest. To get it under 10K I had to squash the JavaScript and CSS files down as much as possible (within the rules). Read more
After reading the text version of a talk by Maciej Cegłowski titled The Web Obesity Epidemic I felt pretty smug because I thought I had redesigned my blog on reasonably minimal lines. Then I checked and was chagrined to discover a recent entry page was 1.01 MB compared with Maciej Cegłowski’s entire talk weighing in at slightly less than 1 MB. I decided to try to work out where I went wrong. Read more