Cannot convert Corel Painter RIFF to GIF (or any other format, for that matter)
I want to convert some images to GIFs. Why do Corel want me not to be able to do this? Read more
I want to convert some images to GIFs. Why do Corel want me not to be able to do this? Read more
In my previous rant I mention a file format called RIFF. Why can't I just google for a RIFF converter? Here's why. Read more
In a previous rant I was trying to make an AppleScript program to convert my RIFF files to GIF. With some help from the Apple Support Discussions web site, I have finally come up with a workable solution. I am going to describe it here, partly because I expect I shall need reminding when I need to perform this task, in about a year's time. Read more