More trouble with uploads and CGI
So far getting uploads to work with the Picky Picky Game is an uphill struggle. Some web browsers work and some do not, and it is going to require some fancy diagnostic tools to find out why not. —More (10%)—
So far getting uploads to work with the Picky Picky Game is an uphill struggle. Some web browsers work and some do not, and it is going to require some fancy diagnostic tools to find out why not. —More (10%)—
The image-cycling feature of the Picky Picky Game prototype depends on using JavaScript to load images. If you click on the Cycle button before the images have been prloaded, then nothing visible happens—it appears to have failed. There is no way for the user to see whether the images have loaded or not. I have attempted to add such an indication, only to be thwarted by what appear to be bugs in the web browsers I have tried it on. Read more