The CSIRO in Australia have an
SVG Toolkit for
Yahoo have a Group for SVG
Developers, but so far I have failed to register with
Yahoo (their clever on-line forms fail on Opera/Linux 5).
This leaves me forced to subscribe to the mailing list, which
(given I hardly ever find time to read may email at home)
is likely to flood my inbox to little effect. Oh, well. There
is also the SVG Wiki, where
the distilled wisdom of the mailing list is already emerging.
Today is the 200th anniversary of Wordsworth’s ode to
London (luckily he could not afford to ride inside the
coach, so got a view worth writing about...).
It is also the
101st anniversary of the raising of the flag of the then
shiny-new Australian commonwealth (3 September 1901).
As it happens, when it came to making up quizzes for some
testing software at work, I whimsically chose the Australian
flag as a topic, which meant I ended up
drawing my own.
The one up at the top right there is the 1901 edition;
it is largely similar to the current National flag—can you
spot the differences?
(See also my entry for 31 May.)