November 2012

Switching from FastCGI to uWSGI

I decided to spend a day updating my web sites to the latest software. In accordance with the laws of sofware enstimation, this took rather longer than I intended, but never mind that. Apart from upgrading the underlying operating system from Ubuntu 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS, I also wanted to switch from FastCGI hosting my sites to uWSGI. Read more

Attic Pluck: Alleged Tarot 2002

It has taken only ten years but we now have SVG support as good as it was ten years ago using Adobe’s SVG Viewer plug-in in Netscape 4. I have decided it is about time I resurrected my 2002 project, the Alleged Tarot. Read more

Setting Up an Android Phone When You Have Two-Factor Authentication

When you buy an Andoid phone for the first time you want to set it up by entring your Gmail password. If you have set up two-factor authentication (also called 2-step verification) then you need a one-time application password to do this: your regular Gmail password will be rejected with a message suggesting wrongly that you have mistyped it. Having remembered this, you now want to find the page for minting a new application password. Now the usability nightmare begins. Read more